We Help with a Smile

Наша ключова мета — повернути стоматологічне здоров'я військовим

The Viorel Radukan Charity Fund was founded in 2022.

Our fundamental goal is to restore dental health to the military.

For this purpose, the Fund helps soldiers in the rear in Chernivtsi and implements the project of a mobile dental office that treats defenders in front-line areas.

We learned how to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine, treat our defenders for free, conduct training, and raise funds again for the Armed Forces! Only we Ukrainians can do it, and with a smile!

Viorel Radukan,
founder of the Fund, chief doctor of Radent, president-elect of AIU

Віорел Радукан, засновник Фонду, головний лікар Radent, президент-елект АІУ

«Mobile Dental Office» Project

Viorel Radukan purchased the bus for the Fund, and the dental community from different parts of Ukraine contributed donations to turn it into a mobile dental office that travels to the east and south of our country to treat Ukrainian soldiers.

Позаду ще одна поїздка до наших військових

Another trip to our military is behind us, and more than 70 Ukrainian soldiers received the necessary dental care. We never tire of thanking our team for their work and our defenders for their service.

More photos in Oleh Synzherian's post →

Ми об'єдналися з Forefront Dental

We teamed up with Forefront Dental → which increased the power of the trip by one car and one dental chair and allowed us to treat a record 147 Armed Forces of Ukraine soldiers per trip!

More photos in Viorel Radukan's post →

Провели ротацію особового складу мобільного стоматологічного кабінету

We have rotated the personnel of the mobile dental office, and we are going to our defenders again.

Попереду новий виїзд

A new departure is ahead. The updated team of the mobile office goes to our soldiers to improve their dental health.

Ще один рейс повернувсь зі ще однієї поїздки

Another flight back from another trip. Near the Belarusian border, the doctors of the mobile dental office provided the necessary assistance to more than 50 soldiers.

More photos in Oleh Synzherian's post →

Перший рейс, де пролікували понад 30 військових

The first trip, where more than 30 soldiers were treated, and when they say that God himself sent you, that is the greatest treasure, as well as the feeling that we are precisely where we are needed, doing what we do best

Мобільний стоматологічний кабінет у роботі на Слобожанщині

Mobile dental office during work in Kharkiv Oblast

Попереду найважливіше — повертати стоматологічне здоров'я нашим захисникам

The most important thing ahead is to restore dental health to our defenders

Формування мобільного стоматологічного кабінету завершено

The formation of the mobile dental office is complete!

Передвиїзні збори та приготування: перший рейс до наших воїнів — за тиждень

Pre-departure gatherings and preparations: the first trip to our soldiers is in a week

Купуємо речі для спального сегменту

We buy things for the sleeping segment

Стоматологічні крісла в автобусі

Dental chairs are already in the «office»

Робочий процес

We're moving forward

З мебельниками

We make the interior with the furniture makers

Автобус на технічному обслуговуванні

The bus has been serviced

З волонтером Олександром Білоусом

With volunteer Oleksandr Bilous, who helped to find the right bus

Учасники благодійного стоматологічного симпозіуму

Participants in the charity symposium, where funds were collected for the equipment of the mobile office

Treatment of Military Personnel

The Fund treats soldiers at the Radent dental clinic in Chernivtsi. Treatment is carried out by dentists of the clinic, in particular Viorel Radukan personally.

Маємо честь допомагати нашим воїнам

We are honored to help our soldiers

Кейс лікування військового

One more case of military treatment: dental rehabilitation with implants

Case →

Захисник Лев

The «Lev» defender got a new smile, and we got words of gratitude and a photo, just like Zaluzhnyi's

Кейс лікування військового

The case of military treatment on behalf of the Fund and Viorel Radukan as a donor of funds

Case →

Фото з операційної

Photo from the Radent operating room before dental implantation

Міцні обійми

Big hugs and a photo to remember

З військовим після лікування

With the military after dental treatment

Лайк від захисника

«Like» from the defender

Other Projects

Smaller, but no less important projects, news, stories from the life of the Fund.

Із чернівецькими лікарями донатили аптечки

Doctors from Chernivtsi donated first-aid kits and collected them in the Radent laboratory

Військовий запросив на пиво

The military man invited Viorel Radukan for a beer as a token of gratitude

Печатка Фонду


Media About Us

News about the Fund's activities on media pages.

Our Partners

We are pleased that the Fund's work is supported. We thank our partners and sponsors for this.

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Wow, congratulations, friend! I am proud of you and your zeal! Keep it up!

Keep it up, friend! Together, we are a force! Forward to victory!

You are all great guys, and You are a colossal guy, Friend! Honor and respect!

Heartfelt thanks to the people who do! Thanks to Viorel!

Congratulations, friend! As always, you are to the point and powerful! I wish you strength and effort!

You've done a tremendous job, my friend! [...] Let this bus work for the benefit of our Armed Forces! And we will all join in!

Powerful and necessary! Respect!

Thank you, friend, for your fantastic initiative and work! I'm happy to contribute a bit.

Super! All of you are great! Let him help treat our boys! [...]

I wish you strength and more like-minded people around you.

When I listen to the song: «Will I believe in people...», I always think of you and people like you, people with a BIG heart! [...]

May the charming smiles of our soldiers shine more often.

All of you are well done! May God repay you a hundredfold!